Calling all NaNoWriMo writers!!!

July is the month for Camp NaNoWriMo, and I'm offering a 10% discount on beta reads for all participants who achieve their word count goals!

Write your heart out this summer, and then send your work to me for manuscript evaluation. I'll read it from the perspective of a lifelong, passionate reader and do the following in the form of a detailed written review and/or comments applied directly to the manuscript:

  • provide constructive criticism about character, setting, pace, dialogue, and organization and flow of the story
  • point out any plot inconsistencies
  • offer broad recommendations for improvement
  • answer questions via e-mail.

How do redeem this offer: Contact me through the website or directly at jessica.filippi@gmail.com and tell me about your story. Show me your winning web badge to receive a 10% discount on my beta read service for your new novel, novella, short story, film script, or whatever project you're working on!

Take it to the next level...

For writers who use my beta read service, I also offer discounts on future editing services. Once you've written your next (or next, or next after that...) draft, send it to me for proofreading, copy editing, or content editing and receive a discount on those services as well!